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Scratches, dents, cracks, stains and scuff marks, even just fatigued surfaces, can be made good or rejuvenated by our fully trained technicians. 

At Mr Scratch we are able to resurface items in a different colour to the original, giving a fresh new look to dated paint schemes.



Mr Scratch technicians are able to repair damage on multiple surfaces, from woods and laminates to veneer and granite, we can repair them all. Chips, gouges, scratches and scorch marks are common problems. 

We can repair the surface and recreate just about any pattern and colour whilst on-site in the comfort of your home. 


Some examples of our repairs;

  • Cracks, chips and drill holes repaired to cupboards

  • Chip and scratch repair to kitchen worktops

  • Scratch repair and respray to corian and stainless steel sinks

  • Respray of storage units

  • Grime and splatter removal to units

  • Crack and chip repair to tiles


Damage to baths, sinks, shower trays and shower screens such as chips and cracks are very unsightly and can be the source of harmful bacteria. Mr Scratch technians are able to advise you on the best repair suited to your damaged surface, we can often give this advice after being provided with photographs and where possible manufacturer information.

Examples of our repairs;

  • Cracks, chips and drill holes in tiles

  • Chip and scratch repair to shower screens

  • Respray of baths, sinks and toilets to change appearance- often modernising a bathrom suite


Furniture in your communal living areas is often the first thing visitors notice. It can be costly and is often the fundamental element or reaching your image goals. Whether your furntiure has been bought from new, or is a unique recycled piece, Mr Scratch are able to work with you to reach the finish you desire. 

Examples of our repairs;

  • Chip repair to coffee and dining tables

  • Repsray of all surfaces

  • Repair to mirror and refurbishment to mirror frame

  • Repair and restoration of kitchen worktops removing chips, burn marks and sratches

  • Chip repair to kitchen units and doors

  • Chip and crack repair to floor and wall tiles

  • Chip and crack repaair to ceramic, metal and plastic baths and sinks


Outdoor furniture, frames and cills are prone to damage, commonly due to weathering. Surfaces often appear to be discolured in comparisson to surrounding structures. Replacing outdoor structures such as window frames and canopies can be costly. At Mr Scratch our skilled technicans are able to carry out, fibreglass, glass, wood, metal and stone repairs and resprays. 

Examples of our repairs;

  • Respray to outdoor fencing

  • Repair and respray to over head canopies

  • Repair and respray to entrance doors

  • Drill hole repairs

  • Respray of exterior walls



Although they are designed to be long lasting and reliable,UPVC windows, will of course eventually wear out over time. 

UPVC windows are an investment that can increase the value of your home, happy homeowners are reaping rewards by choosing uPVC window frame respray, rather than total window replacement. It is quicker and more cost-effective to hire a professional paint spraying company for your uPVC frame respray.


Examples of our repairs;

  • Chip and crack repair to uPvc window frames, cills and doors

  • Resprays for discolouration to uPvc

  • Chip and crack repair to plastic baths

  • Complete respray to damaged interior/ exterior window frames



For a change in image, design, pattern or just a freshen up, Mr Scratch technicians can be on site to brighten the appearnace of your home. From interior and exterior walls to countertops, units and doors. Respraying your kitchen units saves approximately 75% when compared to the price of a new kitchen leaving you with the desired look at a fraction of the price. 

Examples of our repairs; 

  • Respray to kitchen countertops

  • Respray to unit doors- kitchen, bedroom, utility room

  • Respray to interior walls

  • Respray to exterior walls

  • Respray entrance doors

  • Respray to cladding

  CALL US ON: 08000235393




Mr Scratch technicians are able to repair damage on multiple surfaces, from woods and laminates to veneer and granite, we can repair them all. Chips, gouges, scratches and scorch marks are common problems. 

We can repair the surface and recreate just about any pattern and colour whilst on-site in the comfort of your home. 


Some examples of our repairs;

  • Cracks, chips and drill holes repaired to cupboards

  • Chip and scratch repair to kitchen worktops

  • Scratch repair and respray to corian and stainless steel sinks

  • Respray of storage units

  • Grime and splatter removal to units

  • Crack and chip repair to tiles


Damage to baths, sinks, shower trays and shower screens such as chips and cracks are very unsightly and can be the source of harmful bacteria. Mr Scratch technians are able to advise you on the best repair suited to your damaged surface, we can often give this advice after being provided with photographs and where possible manufacturer information.

Examples of our repairs;

  • Cracks, chips and drill holes in tiles

  • Chip and scratch repair to shower screens

  • Respray of baths, sinks and toilets to change appearance- often modernising a bathrom suite


Furniture in your communal living areas is often the first thing visitors notice. It can be costly and is often the fundamental element or reaching your image goals. Whether your furntiure has been bought from new, or is a unique recycled piece, Mr Scratch are able to work with you to reach the finish you desire. 

Examples of our repairs;

  • Chip repair to coffee and dining tables

  • Repsray of all surfaces

  • Repair to mirror and refurbishment to mirror frame

  • Repair and restoration of kitchen worktops removing chips, burn marks and sratches

  • Chip repair to kitchen units and doors

  • Chip and crack repair to floor and wall tiles

  • Chip and crack repaair to ceramic, metal and plastic baths and sinks


Outdoor furniture, frames and cills are prone to damage, commonly due to weathering. Surfaces often appear to be discolured in comparisson to surrounding structures. Replacing outdoor structures such as window frames and canopies can be costly. At Mr Scratch our skilled technicans are able to carry out, fibreglass, glass, wood, metal and stone repairs and resprays. 

Examples of our repairs;

  • Respray to outdoor fencing

  • Repair and respray to over head canopies

  • Repair and respray to entrance doors

  • Drill hole repairs

  • Respray of exterior walls



Although they are designed to be long lasting and reliable,UPVC windows, will of course eventually wear out over time. 

UPVC windows are an investment that can increase the value of your home, happy homeowners are reaping rewards by choosing uPVC window frame respray, rather than total window replacement. It is quicker and more cost-effective to hire a professional paint spraying company for your uPVC frame respray.


Examples of our repairs;

  • Chip and crack repair to uPvc window frames, cills and doors

  • Resprays for discolouration to uPvc

  • Chip and crack repair to plastic baths

  • Complete respray to damaged interior/ exterior window frames



For a change in image, design, pattern or just a freshen up, Mr Scratch technicians can be on site to brighten the appearnace of your home. From interior and exterior walls to countertops, units and doors. Respraying your kitchen units saves approximately 75% when compared to the price of a new kitchen leaving you with the desired look at a fraction of the price. 

Examples of our repairs; 

  • Respray to kitchen countertops

  • Respray to unit doors- kitchen, bedroom, utility room

  • Respray to interior walls

  • Respray to exterior walls

  • Respray entrance doors

  • Respray to cladding

  CALL US ON: 08000235393

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