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Our technicians are lucky to work with many independent furniture designers and distributers.

When working with distributors, we are often involved in the finishing stages before sale. A common request from our clients is for their items to be polished to an impeccable shine, removing any scuffs, prints, fine scratches. 

When working with designers, we are generally called when welds need to be grinded and blended to a seamless finish. Our technicians then return when the designer is looking to publish their piece. It is then that we polish the item to the clients desired finish. 

Lately there has been a craze for up-cycling. We have been involved in many projects where clients have purchased vanity units, mirrors, metal tables, intricate and ornate pieces that have needed our specialist assistance to rejuvenate. 


We are able to collect pieces and return, take deliveries at our unit or complete restoration works in situ. 

Please see our gallery and recent works for examples of furniture restoration we have completed. 

  CALL US ON: 08000235393

  CALL US ON: 08000235393

  CALL US ON: 08000235393

  CALL US ON: 08000235393

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